How to Teach Your Child to Love Themselves
How to teach your Child self-love? Self-love is one of the most important things a person can possess. When we love ourselves, we are kinder to others and more forgiving of our own mistakes.
We also tend to be happier and more content with our lives. Teaching your child how to love themselves is one of the most important things you can do as a parent.
Without Self-love, we are vulnerable to depression and other mental health issues. It’s also important for our physical health; when we love ourselves, we take better care of ourselves.
What is self-love and how does it look for children?
Self-love is the foundation of a healthy relationship with oneself. It includes having a positive self-image, taking care of oneself emotionally and physically, setting boundaries, and being assertive when necessary.
Research shows that children who love themselves are more likely to be successful in school and have healthier relationships. They’re also more likely to have high self-esteem and be confident in themselves.
How do I know if my child loves themselves?
There are a few key indicators that your child loves themselves.
- They have a positive self-image. This means they see themselves as capable, competent, and worthy of love and respect.
- They take care of themselves emotionally and physically. They eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and take time for relaxation and fun. They also know how to express their emotions in a healthy way.
- They set boundaries with others. They know when to say “no” and they’re not afraid to ask for what they need.
- They’re assertive when necessary. This means they stand up for themselves and their beliefs, even when it’s not popular or easy to do so.
If you see these indicators in your child, it’s likely that they love themselves. If you’re not sure, ask them directly how they feel about themselves.
How do I know that my child doesn’t love themselves?
- They say things like “I’m not good enough,” “I’m a bad person,” or “I don’t deserve to be happy.”
- Compare themselves unfavorably to others.
- Put down their own accomplishments and positive qualities.
- They only see the negative in themselves.
- They’re perfectionists and are never satisfied with their achievements.
- Self-critical and have a lot of negative self-talk.
- They engage in risky or harmful behaviors, such as using drugs or alcohol, cutting, or purging.
If you see these indicators in your child, it’s likely that they don’t love themselves. If you’re not sure, ask them directly how they feel about themselves.
How to teach your child how to love themselves?
1) Model self-love
If you want to teach your child self-love, you need to model that behavior. Show them through your words and actions that you love and appreciate yourself.
Talk about the things you like about yourself and why they’re important to you. For example, “I’m proud of my sense of humor because it makes me feel happy and others laugh.”
Compliment yourself in front of your child and accept compliments graciously. For example, “I love my new haircut. I feel so much better about myself.”
2) Help them know their strengths
One of the best ways to teach your child self-love is by helping them know their strengths. Everyone has unique gifts and talents, and it’s important for children to know what theirs are.
Emphasize their positive traits and qualities when you talk to them. For example, “You’re so creative! I love the way you think outside the box.”
or say things like, “You’re such a great friend. I know you’re always there for people when they need you.”
3) Encourage them to try new things and explore their interests
Helping your child explore their interests and try new things is another way to help teach them self-love. It allows them to discover more about who they are and what they’re passionate about.
Give them the opportunity to try different activities, both inside and outside of school. For example, if they’re interested in playing an instrument, sign them up for music lessons.
If they love animals, sign them up for a volunteer program at the local animal shelter
If they’re interested in a particular sport, encourage them to join a team or participate in individual sports. For example, if they enjoy running, sign them up for a local running club or race.
Encourage them to express themselves creatively through art, writing, or another outlet that interests them.
All of these things will help your child feel good about themselves and build self-confidence.
4) Praise their efforts, even if they don’t succeed at first.
One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to praise your child’s efforts, even if they don’t succeed at first.
This will help them feel good about themselves and encourage them to keep trying.
For example, if your child is trying to learn a new skill, such as riding a bike or playing the piano, and they’re struggling, praise them for their efforts.
Say things like, “I can see how hard you’re working. I’m really proud of you.” instead of just saying, “Good job.”
This will help your child feel motivated to keep trying and eventually achieve their goal.
The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice
Peggy O’Mara
5) Help them use their own strengths when faced with a problem
When your child is faced with a problem, help them use their own strengths to solve it. This will help them feel capable and competent, which is important to teach your child self-love.
For example, if your child is having trouble making friends at school, help them use their social skills to connect with others.
Say something like, “I know you’re shy, but I also know you’re really good at listening to people. Maybe you could try talking to that girl in your class who always seems lonely.”
If they’re struggling with a particular subject in school, help them use their strengths to overcome the obstacle.
For example, “I know math is hard for you, but you’re really good at creative thinking. Maybe you could try approaching the problem from a different perspective.”
This will help your child feel capable of solving their own problems and give them a sense of control over their life.

6) Provide a safe environment for open communication
It’s important to provide a safe environment for open communication with your child. This will help them feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with you.
Encourage them to come to you with any problems or concerns they have. Let them know that you’re there to support and help them, no matter what.
Listen to them without judgment or criticism. This will help them feel valued and respected.
If your child comes to you to tell you about a mistake they did or bad behavior, avoid getting angry or punished. This will only make them feel worse about themselves.
Instead, try to understand why they did it and help them find a better way to cope with their feelings. For instance, if they hit another child at school, ask them how they were feeling at that moment and why they lashed out.
Say something like, “I can see that you were really angry when you hit that child. What can we do next time to help you deal with your anger in a better way?”
This will help your child feel understood and encourage them to communicate with you in the future. and it will teach your child self-love.
7) Let them contribute at home and to others
One of the best ways to help your child feel loved is to let them contribute at home and to others. This will help them feel needed and appreciated.
Encourage them to do chores around the house and praise them when they do a good job.
For example, if they make their bed without being asked, say, “Great job! Thank you for making your bed.”
Encourage them to help others, such as younger siblings or classmates. This will help them feel good about themselves and boost their self-esteem.
For example, if they see a classmate struggling with a task, encourage them to help out. Say something like, “I know you’re really good at that. Would you be willing to help them?”
This will help your child feel like they are making a difference in the world and teach them self-love.
8) Let them know that mistakes are for learning
It’s important for your child to know that mistakes are for learning. This will help them feel okay about making mistakes and not be so hard on themselves.
I like to ask the kids every day at dinner, “what was your best mistake today and what did you learn from it?”
This allows for open communication about mistakes and how to learn from them. It also lets your kids know that everyone makes mistakes and that’s okay.
Making mistakes is part of life and is how we learn and grow. Helping your child understand this will help them to be more forgiving of themselves and others.
Encourage your child to talk to you about their day, both the good and the bad. This will help them feel loved and supported. Thank them for being open and honest with you.
Let them know that it took great courage to tell you their mistakes by saying something like, “I’m really proud of you for telling me that. It takes a lot of courage to admit our mistakes.”
This will help your child feel appreciated and encourage them to continue being open and honest with you.
9) Give them praise and encouragement
One of the best ways to show your child how much you love them is to give them praise and encouragement. This will help them feel good about themselves and build their self-esteem.
Praise them when they do something well or try their best. For example, if they get a good grade on a test, say, “Great job! I’m really proud of you, I can see you made a lot of effort.”
Encourage them to keep up the good work by saying something like, “I know you can do it! I believe in you.”
This will help your child feel motivated and supported. They’ll know that you’re there for them, no matter what.
We all need love and support from others. Showing your child how much you love and support them will help them to feel loved, appreciated, and confident. This will in turn help them to love themselves.
Encourage them to keep trying, even when they make mistakes. For example, if they miss a shot in basketball, say, “It’s okay, just keep practicing and you’ll get it next time.”
This will help your child feel supported and encourage them to continue doing their best.
10) Acknowledge their feelings and emotions
One of the best ways to show your child that you love them is to acknowledge their feelings and emotions. This will help them feel heard and understood.
For example, if they’re feeling sad, say something like, “I can see that you’re feeling really sad right now. It’s okay to feel that way.”
If they’re feeling angry, say something like, “I can see that you’re feeling really angry right now. It’s okay to feel that way.”
This will help your child feel validated and encourage them to express their feelings.
Encourage them to talk to you about their feelings and emotions. This will help them feel loved and supported. Thank them for being open and honest with you.
Let them know that it’s okay to feel their emotions by saying something like, “It’s totally normal to feel angry/sad/happy. We all feel those things.”
Teach them about different emotions and how to cope with them in a healthy way. This will help them understand their emotions and feel more in control of them.
11) Let them know what you need, instead of criticizing
One of the best ways to show your child that you love them is to let them know what you need from them, instead of criticizing them. This will help them feel loved and appreciated.
For example, if you need help with the dishes, say something like, “I could really use some help with the dishes. Would you be able to help me?”
If you need help with the laundry, say something like, “I could really use some help with the laundry. Would you be able to help me?”
This will help your child feel needed and appreciated. They’ll know that you value their help and that you’re not just criticizing them.
don’t say :
“You’re always leaving your clothes on the floor. Pick them up!”
“I really need some help picking up your clothes. Can you please put them in the hamper?”
This will help your child feel valued and appreciated, instead of feeling criticized.

To sum things up
One of the best ways to teach your child how to love themselves is by setting a good example for yourself.
Showing them that you love and accept yourself just as you are is one of the best things you can do for them.
Teach them about different emotions and how to cope with them in a healthy way.
This will help them understand their emotions and feel more in control of them.
Let them know what you need from them, instead of criticizing them. This will help them feel loved and appreciated.
Most importantly, be there for them when they need you. Show them that you love and support them no matter what.
By following these tips, you can teach your child how to love themselves and build a foundation of self-love and confidence.
Do you have any tips on how to teach your child to love themselves? Share them on my Instagram account!
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